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Articles tagged with: how


Car Maintenance »

How do I change the oil in my car

Here is the delicious DIY steps of how to change the oil in a car. There are two simple ways to change the oil in a car which is the drain method and extractor method. The extract method is easier but will not 100% clean if compared to drain method. This is because you are not able to fully extract old oil from the engine. However, you can still choose to use the extractor to fasten the task. Here are step by step to change a car oil.

Cars »

How much horsepower does my car have?

How much horsepower does a car has? Here we tell how to determine how much horsepower your car has and how to upgrade it. Yes off course you can upgrade your car engine anytime to get greater horsepower but the question is can you handle it? How much horsepower you really need for your car? A standard car weighs around 2000lbs to 2500lbs (see how much does my car weigh). Therefore it will be very dangerous if you give over horsepower to the car.

Kit Cars »

Build a kit car

Here are your delicious steps on how to build a kit car with nice body kit and tips on how to build a high quality drivable kit car in cheapest way. Building kit cars is totally different from buying a car where you just buy and drive. It requires patience, time, and budget to create a real nice car. There are many kits available for everything such as 4 wheels cars, 3 wheel cars, muscle cars, sports cars, exotic cars, and many more. First of everything is choosing what you …

Car Buying Guide »

How many days do you have to return a new car

If you feel you don’t like your new car and you want to return it to the dealer, that’s going to be a hard thing. First thing you have to always keep in mind is that there is no such thing as returning a new car to dealer if you regret of your buy. Do not let your excitement lead you to buy a car that you will regret and do not buy any car dealers push you to buy any car that is not what you really want. This …

Cars »

How can I get a donated car

How can I get a donated car? Here is the top 3 ways on how to get a donated car and where to get a free donated car from charity. Getting a free donated car may sounds very hard but this is possible. There are many charities collect donated cars and give away these cars to people who really need it. For people who donated their car, they are eligible to get a tax deduction rather than they sell it if the car price is not worth much. In this …

Used Cars »

How many days do I have to return a used car

How many days do I have to return a used car? Here we tell how and how many days you have to return a used car or new car to dealer under buyers’ remorse. Always keep in mind that there is no federal law states that buyer can simply return a car to the dealer although there are some ways to protect consumer from buying bad car from car dealer. Standard buyers’ remorse for new car will give you 3 to 7 days to return a new car with warranty …