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How can I get a donated car


How can I get a donated car? Here is the top 3 ways on how to get a donated car and where to get a free donated car from charity. Getting a free donated car may sounds very hard but this is possible. There are many charities collect donated cars and give away these cars to people who really need it. For people who donated their car, they are eligible to get a tax deduction rather than they sell it if the car price is not worth much. In this case, there are many donated cars waiting to give away to people who really need it.

Here we shared you 3 easy steps to get a free donated car. You will be able to get a free donated car if you follow these steps and go through some reputable charities.

Step 1 Know your qualification to get a free donated car

First of all, you will have to know if you are qualified to get a free car. People who are qualified usually are widow, single parent, victims of natural disasters, the working poor, families with handicapped members, military families, disabled people, or whoever really need a transport but can’t afford any cars even cars under 500 dollars. However, you still can try to apply for a donated car if you are not sure about your qualification.

Step 2 Apply for a donated car

What you need to do is to prepare all related document that is needed by organizations or charities that deal with car donations. The organization will usually give a list of what they need in order to approve your application and give you a car. These documents usually are your address, monthly salary information, and reasons of why you need a donated car.

Step 3 Wait for the news

Once you have sent your application, wait for the good news! Do not always think how to get a donated car and overlook some car dealers that actually make profit from “donated cars”. Some car dealer take in free cars, sell these cars through auction for a profit and only give away small percentage of the profit to charities.

Where to get a donated car

Here are top 5 best places to get a free donated car. You can simply go through the website, follow the steps and wait for your car!

Online Car Donation. You can apply for a donated car online easily. There are many websites provide online car donation. They accept cars from people who want to donate it, and gift these cars to people who need it, for example, the medically needy.

1-800Charity Cars. The organization in Florida that provide donated cars to struggling families, families transitioning from public assistance to work or individual that need a car. You can simply send your application to www.FREECharityCars.org. Whoever get high vote will go home with a car.

Church. There are some church members donate their car to nonprofit organization every year. Therefore, church is a good place to look for donated car.

Cars4Christmas. It is a nonprofit organization in Belton city, Missouri. It provides free transportation to individuals who do not own any transport.

Will Companies. There are many people who handover their cars to Will companies by putting the car as “gift” to give away. This has created an opportunities for the needy to look for a donated cars from Will companies.
donated car


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