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Car Buying Tips »

Car buying tricks and tips

Here are top 3 best of the best car buying tricks, techniques, strategies, and car buying advices you should take when buying new cars or used cars. Car dealer can play tricks in selling a car to their customers but turn a way round as customers, you can also play some tricks to get the best deal especially buying used cars. Check out these tricks now!

Car Buying Tips »

New car buying tips

Buy a new car you need cash but you definitely need professional car buying tips to help you save huge money. Here we share you some delicious tips about buying a new car and how to buy a new car in easy 5 steps. These tips are written by a retired salesman who worked in a car dealer shop for more than 15 years. Do not over look some of the little thing that you can do when buying a new car, this little thing is able to help you …

Car Buying, Used Cars »

Used car buying tips

Here is your helpful used car buying tips and top 3 delicious guides on buying a used car from dealer or private seller. These tips are useful whenever you are considering buying a car. Always keep in mind that new cars depreciate from the moment you drive them out from the dealership’s lot. Therefore considering buying a used car can give you a huge saving on both the initial cost and car insurance.

Car Buying Tips »

Tips on buying a car

Here we share you tips on buying acarand top 10car buying strategiesas well as tips to get cheap car deal especially for girls. Buying any new or used cars require some studies before you make your down payment to book any cars that really suitable for you. Unlike buying vegetables from market which you only have to make sure the vegetable is fresh. Buying a car is considered as a big purchase and there are many things to be aware.

Car Drawings »

How to draw a real car

The best technique of how to draw a real car and 3 tips to draw real ostentatious cars are shared here! How to draw cool cars and sports cars can be found here. It is very easy to draw a realistic car to a piece of white paper with a simple pencil as long as you catch the real skills. What makes drawing look real is the lining, shading, and proportions. Let’s prepare a pencil, eraser, and a piece of clean paper to start real car drawings.

Car Buying Tips, Used Cars »

Top 10 negotiating tips for used car buying

Here we give u the top 10 negotiating tips for used car buying. It helps to save lot of money if you can catch at least 5 negotiating tips when buying used cars. It is important to know who to buy from, where to buy, what to buy, and also when to buy the car at the right time.