Articles in the Car Repair Manual Category
Car Engines, Car Problems, Car Repair Manual, Honda »

This page is contribute to all Honda Civic FD owners who have engine vibration, roughness, rattle, rumbling sound or other similar situation when the transmission is set to Parking (P) or Reverse (R). Model years affected are 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Read the symptoms properly and see if it is similar to what you have experienced. If so, continue to read on to find out the right solutions and share your thoughts here.
Symptom 1: One great early morning, you get into your Honda …
Austin Mini, Car Problems, Car Repair Manual, Fuel Related, Mini Cooper »

For those who are driving a Rover Mini Cooper, Rover Mini Mayfair, or any Mini made between 1992 to 1997 (MK VI and early MK VII) with SPi engine, you should read this article if you are having problem with the SPi engine. There are many possibilities with the SPi and MPi engine and that leads to frustration and most Mini owners replace the injection with carburetor system. It is not really hard to maintain a SPi engine if you have the right mechanic and knowledge. Below here is an …
Car Repair Manual, Ford Repair Manuals »

Here is the complete step by step guide on how to change a thermostat on a Ford Ranger. The job can be done easily within half an hour for a professional. Ford Ranger’s engine bay is not complicated and it will take about an hour for someone who needs to read this in order to start the work. Before you start these steps, make sure you have parked the car for at least 30 minutes to let the engine cool down.
Step 1 Locate where is the thermostat
There are two hoses …
Car Repair Manual »

Here you can download club car service manual in PDF version for free based on your club car model, model year, or the vehicle serial number. You can find a wide range of service manual here from gasoline-powered club car to the latest electric-powered club car. Many people have the same thoughts that club car is refer to golf cars. However, this is a wrong thought. Club car can be golf cars, utility vehicles, small vehicles, or transportation vehicles that used to move people, materials, tools, or any things in …
Car Repair Manual, Fuel Related »

Where is the fuel filter located on my car? Here is the answer for some cars with pictures tell you where it is located and steps on changing a fuel filter. Usually the fastest and easiest way to locate a fuel filter on your car is refer to the user manual or the car repair manual. However, it is often that a lot of car owner do not know where they put their user manual after some time.
Car Repair Manual, Fuel Related »

Changing a fuel filter on any cars is something very simple and easy as long as you follow the 3 steps fuel filter replacement given here. Here we show you step by step instruction to remove and replace a fuel filter in correct way with correct tools. It just takes a few minutes to complete! It could be an easy job if the method is correct and it could be a hard job if the way to do it is incorrect.