Articles in the Car Engines Category
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This page is contribute to all Honda Civic FD owners who have engine vibration, roughness, rattle, rumbling sound or other similar situation when the transmission is set to Parking (P) or Reverse (R). Model years affected are 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. Read the symptoms properly and see if it is similar to what you have experienced. If so, continue to read on to find out the right solutions and share your thoughts here.
Symptom 1: One great early morning, you get into your Honda …
Car Engines »

If you have an engine block that no longer suitable to rebuild, why not turn it into a nice utensil holder in your kitchen? There are many things you can do with used car parts but today we come across this special green utensil holder in kitchen. This image is shared from Ian White’s Facebook. Try to zoom in a little bit and you will see the “1275” label on the engine block. It is a great idea to turn it into a useful thing from this:
Car Engines »

Look at the alternator, coil, twin carburetor, and rocker cover on this car engine labeled with Paddy Hopkirk, don’t you think this car engine is probably cleaner than your toilet?
If you think fast cars always come with dirty engine, you may have to change your mind. Look at this reddish Chevrolet SS. Check out the engine, the turbo kit, and the air intake. If it’s not hot, you may want to touch it to feel it!
Again this is a 1.3i Mini engine. The owner of this engine chromes everything possible …
Car Engines »

Someone on earth, Youtube user nothinghereok, stripped down a Triumph Spitfire engine and reassembles it. Stripping an engine isn’t insane but he took over 3,000 pictures of every step he did just in case he forget which parts are fitted to which place. He then created this video using all the pictures he took added with one of the most notable music “In The Hall Of The Moutain King” from Edvard Griegs “Peer Gynt Suite”. The entire work took 11 months. As you can see form the video, the whole engine …
Car Engines »

What to put in a car’s gas tank to ruin the engine? What kind of things will ruin a car engine if we put it into the gas tank? What will ruin a car engine? There are many things can ruin a car engine if the material in the gas tank is not gas or diesel depending on the engine. Some will destroy the engine completely, some will make the engine burn, and some will simply stop the fuel flow and make the car engine can’t start (see car engine …