Articles in the Concept Cars Category
BMW, Concept Cars »

BMW concept cars have always been one of the most stunning in any kind of concept cars show. BMW is a German automaker that famous in building high quality cars, luxury cars, cyber look sports cars, motorcycle, and engine. Founded in 1916 and until today, it owns some other great car brand such as MINI and Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. For that reason, BMW prototype cars and concept cars are always what car enthusiasts get excited to see.
Concept Cars, Ford »

Here you can found tons of latest concept cars details, short description, images, list of Ford concept cars, and some Ford future cars. Ford has been in the automobile market for more than a century since Henry Ford built his first car in 1896. Recent year, there are many concept cars has been designed and plan to roll on the production. Here we picked up the top 5 concept cars from Ford for the coming years.
Concept Cars, Future Cars »

Here is the delicious A-list of prototype future cars pictures. You can imagine how the future city will look like by looking at all these cool prototype cars. Prototype cars usually having very special visually appealing that attract anyone’s attention similar to super exotic sports cars and it is drivable, “speed-able”, but not yet available for sale to the market.
Concept Cars, Mini Cooper »

BMW MINI concept cars production will roll out in the UK market next year in 2010. According to news from Frankfurt Motor Show, BMW will build new Mini models in England. These concept cars are as cool as the current Mini Cooper but the technology has been enhanced to more automated and more lovely such as the “Buddy Radar” that will alert drivers when other same Mini are close, fun isn’t?
Concept Cars »

There are a lot of cool concept cars and also weird Japanese concept car appeared lately in the 2009 Tokyo Motor Show. All kind of cool cars, fast cars, sports cars appeared in this Motor Show, but what is lack of for this time are foreign automakers. However, there is always no shortage of new ideas from the Japanese automakers to create all the wonderful and cool concept cars.
Concept Cars »

Lately a lot of weird Japanese concept cars and cool concept cars are being shown at the Tokyo auto show. It is always said that concept cars are suppose to be overly sporty or invoke thoughts of raw power like back to the future car. But these cars has got a very strange look and it isn’t like any super exotic sports cars but like those car used in the comic “Doraemon” that invoke cartoon cars feeling.