Articles tagged with: Bill
Car Bill of Sale »

A used car bill of sale served as a contract or a legal document to prove that a used car has been completely sold to the new owner. On the other hand, it also prove that the previous owner has agreed to let go the car at the agreed price, condition, and payment method at the date stated in the bill of sale.
Automobile, Car Bill of Sale »

This is it! This is the place where you can find free automobile bill of sale. You can download the bill of sale and print it out for any new or used cars deal. Whether you are looking for car bill of sale, vehicle bill of sale, example or sample bill of sale, car bill of sale template, car bill of sale forms, motor vehicle bill of sale, auto bill of sale form, or bill of sale sample, it is all available to download here for free.
Celebrity Cars »

Bill Gates, consistently ranked as the richest man in the world, you must wondering what Bill Gates car is? What kind of cars does Bill Gates have? People in this world must have thought the richest man in the world own the most expensive car in the world, world fastest production car, or world fastest car. So, what kind of car does Bill Gates own? Let’s check out the richest man’s garage!
Car Bill of Sale »

Here you can print free bill of sale for a car or download a free car bill of sale printable version from Bill of sale for car is something very important for any new car buying or used car buying especially when you are buying a used car from private seller. Used car bill of sale helps to prevent you from buying a theft car or illegal car, it mainly serve as a contract to protect buyer and seller.
Chevrolet »

Bill heard Chevrolet, there are a line of unsold Chevrolet cars sitting unattended on the Bill Heard lot in Sugar Land, Texas ever since the company unexpectedly ceased operation on 24 September 2008 with mounting pressure from lenders and regulators. Well, there is no news saying these cars have become any impounded cars for sale but there are 2 security guards were hired by GM to make sure there is no car leave from the lot. There are several Bill Heard Chevrolet branch at the States such as Georgia, Houston, …
Car Bill of Sale »

Free download of car bill of sale is available here. This is a printable 2 pages contract where a copy is for the car buyer, and another copy is for the seller. The vehicle details are important and it is stated clearly in the contract or agreement. The vehicle details are such as the car model, the maker, registration no, VIN# no (a document or numbers that match on car’s body), the MOT certificate, as well as the indicated mileage.