Car bill of sale
Free download of car bill of sale is available here. This is a printable 2 pages contract where a copy is for the car buyer, and another copy is for the seller. The vehicle details are important and it is stated clearly in the contract or agreement. The vehicle details are such as the car model, the maker, registration no, VIN# no (a document or numbers that match on car’s body), the MOT certificate, as well as the indicated mileage.
The download of a PDF file can begin easily by clicking here:
Car bill of sale
(It is in PDF, printable format and Free!!)
Car bill of sale is a contract or a sale bill between the car seller and the buyer. What is car bill of sale?
10 reasons why this bill of sale is important for car industry:
(Please click on the image to enlarge it)
- It is useful especially for private seller and private buyer.
- It helps to establish exactly what the terms and agreement between car seller and buyer.
- It helps both buyer and seller in case there is any unexpected things happen.
- It reduces the possibility of either buyer or seller refuting the agreement.
- It also includes the price paid and the date of sale for future reference.
- It works as a protection for both parties against dishonest buyers or sellers.
- It helps private seller (who is not car dealer) not required to provide any form of warranty to the car as it is sold “as is” or sold as stated in the bill of sale.
- It proof the agreed amount has been paid and has been collected.
- It works as a legal document and can be able to bring to court in case any legal issues happen.
- It serves as a document for buyer or new owner to purchase insurance. It is needed for 99% of the car deal especially old cars or cars under 500 dollars.

The contract provided includes Additional Notes/Comments where you can fill in yourself such as the additional promise that seller make to the buyer. This is roughly different from the previous post car bill of sale printable.
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