Articles tagged with: Advertisement
Car Accidents, Car Commercials, Car Park, Mercedes-Benz »

A man drove his Mercedes-Benz SL500 AMG Sports Car to a 5-star hotel he always go. The jockey parking took over his car and admire the interior of the car. Out of suddenly, he pushes the gear level and cause a serious accident happened. The owner of the car watched the accident and stunned. However, he didn’t get angry but… Watch the video for the surprising ending!
Cars »

Here are some tips to find some extra income by getting car wrap advertising in your area and some savvy way to pay off your monthly car payment with it. Do you know that you can actually sell advertising space on car if you own a special car that will attracts other’s attention no matter where you go? Sometimes the paid amount is better than to look for alternate part time job. Check out how.
Understand that most companies allocate certain budget to advertise their product. Some choose to advertise on …
Ford »

The famous car Ford edge commercial song music video and song are available to view and listen here. The 2008 ford edge commercial music song is “The Funeral” by Band of Horses for Ford edge commercial advertisement. This commercial song really makes ford motor company recalls a good response from the market. The commercial ad do not show any hot car girls but the song has a hit a very high download rate according to statistic.