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Cost to own a car vs. Cost to take taxi

Most of the people who depend on public transport in their daily life may think about getting a car for their own. Anyone can purchase a cheap car with low maintenance cost, low monthly car payment, as well as low cost car insurance. However, does one really need an own car when the public transport is so convenience at such low cost? Here we did a calculation based on a case study in Thailand.
In Thailand, the taxi is 35 baht once you get on it, every km after the first …

Cars »

World’s fastest taxi

The world’s fastest taxi found in Germany, it is using Porsche Panamera Turbo car as the taxi. From 0 to 60 mph, it only takes 3.8 seconds and the top speed can go up to 188 mph. Porsche Panamera turbo is running on 4.8 liters engine and it gives 500 hp output. Surprisingly, the fares started only from 2.50€ Euro and everyone stands a chance to try on this super fast taxi.