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Most Popular and Hottest Car Colors


Nissan Silvia

There was once a friend told me that car colors represent certain meaning. I don’t really believe that until I passed by a car enthusiast’s house and I saw 5 same Ferrari models in different colors and all of them are the most popular and hottest car colors. My eye was stunt and I noticed that the owner will choose the car to drive to match what he wears on particular day. For some wealthy car enthusiasts, buy one same car model in different colors may no longer something weird.

Hottest Car Colors

For most of the people, we can only choose one car in one color when buying a new car. Some weird colors or colors that are not so popular may bring obstacles when you plan to sell of the car few years later. Therefore, choosing the right car color is vital. It is safe when one choose the hottest car colors. So, what are the most popular car colors in the automobile market today?

  1. White – 20% voted
  2. Silver – 17% voted
  3. Black – 17% voted
  4. Blue – 13% voted
  5. Gray – 12% voted
  6. Red – 8%
  7. Green – 7%
  8. Others (Yellow, Brown, Orange, and Purple) – 6% voted

What Does Car Colors Say?

  • Silver – Silver car color represents elegant, futuristic and matured looks
  • White – White car? It is fastidious and always the most popular car colors!
  • Vibrant Red – This is one of the hottest car colors. Red color car always represent sexy, attractive, eye-catching, and dynamic
  • Deep Blue-Red – It is almost same with red, but far less obvious about it
  • Taupe / Light Brown – Brown color always represent timeless design, basic and simple tastes
  • Black – Black car always represent elegance, sophistication, mysterious, cool, and modishness.
  • Neutral Gray – Sober, corporate, practical, pragmatic
  • Dark Green – Traditional, well-balanced, and simple
  • Bright Yellow-Green – Chic, love natural, and energetic
  • Yellow Gold – Intelligent, warm, loves comfort and will pay for it
  • Sunshine Yellow – Energetic, sunny disposition, joyful and young at heart
  • Deep Brown – Down-to-earth, Straight-forward with no-nonsense
  • Orange – Fun loving, talkative, fickle and trendy
  • Deep Purple – Creative, individualistic, dare to do characteristic

There are many colors can be chosen when buying new car. However, some colors are suitable for small-size cars or compact cars but not big-size cars. Colors that best match sports cars may not suitable for luxury cars. In conclusion, the best is to choose one of the hottest car colors that best represent your character and the car.


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