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List of cars model can and cant use RON 95 gasoline


All cars need petrol or gasoline to run. Petrol or gasoline is obviously a high demand resource all around the world. The price has been kept on rising according to gasoline price history due to the limited resources. Malaysia has changed its strategy by giving all car drivers to choose 2 types of petrol which is RON 95 at RM1.80 (USD0.50) per litter and RON97 at RM2.00 (USD0.57). This is a good strategy, but do you know that your car able to run on this RON 95? Make sure you go through the detail and do not make your car engine won’t start in the next day you wake up. Sadly said that previous post where to put RM1.77 per litre petrol in Malaysia has become useless…

RON 95 car list
RON 95 car list
RON 95 car list
RON 95 car list
RON 95 car list
RON 95 car list
The compiled list is based on unofficial discussion with cars company. We do not accept any liability or responsibility for any effect arising from use of this information.


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