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Mini Gathering 09 January 2009 in Malaysia


Jan 9 2009, lovely night in Petaling Jaya, Selangor Malaysia. Cool breeze and not a drop of rain, some say it’s an excellent night for a bar-b-que, but for some 39 Minis Cars (36 classics with 3 new MINIs, representatives from 3 forums (MML, MTM, Minisparepart) and family of Mini Owners Group of Malaysia) think otherwise. It’s a great night for a “Teh Tarik” (Teh Tarik is a hot tea beverage which can be commonly found in restaurants, outdoor stalls and coffee shops in Malaysia) session with fellow Mini enthusiast to get together to chat about the past year and what are the plans for this year as we all know it is the 50th Anniversary of the beloved Mini.

First on the agenda was the Mini 50 formation, we were all discussing about a huge venue to accommodate the Minis and place for other owners to chill so on and so forth. Anyway the night was filled with laughter good food and drinks to fuel the night of endless chatter. Minis from the rare MkI, MKII, MKIII some 1275GTs to the new BMW Minis and of course the Moke, pick-up and wagon was present too.

Something solid came out from that night, sometime in April we have planed a 400km run into 3 states that will hopefully promote the Mini 50 formation and the big birthday party in August. February is coming and hopes that we can get more attendance for the next “Teh Tarik” session.

During the gathering, we announced the next event which is Formation 50. Forming the numerals 5 and 0 and taking a picture of it. The target date to do this is, on March 7 2009. Location is still being negotiated with one of the sponsors. There are approximately 78 Minis needed for this Mini 50 formation.

Mini GatheringMini Gathering

Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering
Mini Gathering

written by Wan275GT, a member of Malaysia Mini Lover


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