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Baghdad car bombing


Baghdad car bombing cause killing, carnage, and bloodshed. There are many car bombing cases happened in Baghdad over the years and it has been listed here. The latest car bomb which happened on 26 January 2010 kills at least 18 people and injured dozens of people in a strike against a police crime lab in centre of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. The question is why there are so many car bombing cases in Baghdad?

Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, meaning “Given by God” in Persian, has been famous for car bombing news over the years. It is the largest city in Iraq and having a municipal population between 5 and 7.5 million people. Read about the car bombing news:

Baghdad car bombing, 5 March 2007

This picture was taken in Imperial War Museum at London. The car was destroyed by a bomb in a marketplace in Baghdad on 5 March 2007. A car has become like this, what about human?

Baghdad car bombs killed 18

On 26 January 2010, a suicide car bomb exploded outside a police crime lab, a day after a series of attacks on Iraqi hotels. There are 12 police officers and 6 civilians who were visiting the office at Tahariyat Square were killed during the explosion. Other than that, estimated more than 80 people were injured when the suicide bomber drives a pickup truck through the checkpoint and blast walls protecting the forensic evidence office.

A day before the car bombing, there are a series of bombings attacks on three Iraqi hotels which popular with Western journalists and foreign security contractors. The hotel bombing kills 41 people and cause 106 people injured.

Baghdad car bombing in 2009

In 2009, a series of car bombings has killed hundreds of people and injured thousand of people in Baghdad. On 08 December, 2009, a bomb suicide drive a car towards a police patrol in the Dora district of the city and cause explosion. Within minutes, another four bombing occurred near official buildings. The series of car bombings has killed at least 127 people and injured 448 people. This is one of the most serious car bombing cases happened in 2009 in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. It is said that this bombing is the replication of car bombing in mid-August and late-October.

Car bombing mid August 2009

25 Oct 2009, a car bombing kills 147 people at target official buildings ahead of election. This was done by few militants and causes more than 700 wounded. Few car bomb suicide drive 2 large vehicle bombs again penetrated the centre of Baghdad. One of the truck bomb around 10:30am and destroyed the justice ministry, housing many of the city’s judges, lawyers and court rooms. Another truck car bomb minutes later around 300 meters away and the bombing damaged the Baghdad governorate.

Baghdad car bombing kill 41 in May 2009

A car bomb exploded on May 20 near northwest Baghdad and killed at least 34 people, injuring more than 70 people. The blast happened around 7:00 pm. It is the golden time and also best evening weather for Baghdad residents to go for shipping and dinning in outdoor restaurants.

There are many trucks, bus, and car bomb cases happened in Baghdad over the years, it just like earthquake happened in some country. The question is why would those people suicide themselves to kill others?

Baghdad car bombing


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